Q:Can I cancel my order?

A:Contact us immediately to change or cancel your order by sending an email to yeelaithome@163.com. If your order has not shipped, we will cancel it and issue a full refund. If your order has already shipped, unfortunately cancellation is no longer possible. Once received, you will need to return the product in accordance with our return policy.

Q:How long will it take to receive my order?

A:In stock items will be shipped within 48 hours. Shipping transit time is, on average, 2 to 3 business days depending on the size of your order and destination. A tracking number will be provided once your order has been shipped for a more accurate estimate with respect to transit time.

Q:What if my mirror is damaged during shipping?

A:No need to stress - If you notice the damage after delivery, please take a few photos and send them to yeelaithome@163.com within 24 hours of delivery.We promise we will send a new one to you for free, if you meet this issue. 

Q:Do I have to pay the shipping cost for the return?

A:If there is any quality problem or damage on mirror when arrive, we will pay the return shipping fee; But if there is no problem or damage, you need to pay the return shipping cost. 

Q:What tools do I need to install my mirror on the wall ?

A:You’ll need a pencil, tape measure, level, screwdriver, and drill to position and install the mirror. 

Q:When will a pre-order item ship?

A:The estimated ship date of a pre-order style can be found on the product page, cart, checkout page and order confirmation email. Once your item is ready to ship, you will receive an email confirmation with tracking information.